Don't worry mann ,I ain't crazy , my reality is just different then yours :)
December 3, 2011
i was like WHAAATT ?
Okay ,this sem so far ,i dah hilang my box of tissue ,almost lost my phone and i think tak lama lagi i might just lose my head kot. Living here all alone sememangnye tidak membantu langsung. I ended up walking a kilometer around the college at 2am in the morning just to wear off myself and get some sleep. But the least this sem is much more calmer compared to the last one but also much more lonelier though despite the people around me that i tried evryday to be with just to put aside my feelings ,I still feel whenever am alone. No matter how many smiles i flash and the laughters that i showed ,when the night falls and everything quiet down ,the loneliness will always come back to haunt me. HELP -.- '
November 20, 2011
Wow ,Im 18 ?
Heyy guys ,this is a little out dated but this actually happened on 5th november 2011 ..the day i turned 18 :)

Well frankly speaking it was not as what i imagine it would be ..It never really cross my mind that i'll be spending that day in Malacca which is my hometown on my dad's side..I guess it's just my luck that the Eid Adha fell on the 6th of November this year..So of all the activities that i did ,i ended up bakar lemang..hehe ..The playing with fire part is the part i LIKE :)
The Second Round of Jail sentence , *sigh -.-'
Well ,am back to this hell hole ..atleast this time my jail cell is located on the Ground Floor instead of the third floor eh ? I have a feeling that this semester is gonna be interesting base on the fact that i actually got 7 different crowds of classes cuz i registered my course late ( yeahh ,i know ..serves me right eh ?) and up till now i have no clue to who my roomates might possibly be..Plus the thing bout having seven different class is that your schedule will definitely be HECTIC ..Despite it all i guess tonight i'll be sleeping alone ...again -.- ( where the hell are my roomates mann ? ) ..Its actually 2 am in the morning and am still wide awake catching mosquitoes for my fishy ,that’s how bored I am ryte now -.-‘ ..
Compare to last semester ,this semester i'm less blur-ish and more focus on my target i guess dad wants good results as his birthday present this year and am gonna get it for him .So naturally by hook or by crook im gonna have to be a supergirl again ( cuz this semester schedule is just heckk ..everyday from morning to the evening ..i mean my monday class is untill 10 pm ) and i have 7 different crowds of 33 people to adapt to this sem..Welll ,I am Aina right ? then Im gonna triumph cuz there's NOTHING that Aina can't do ! Dean's list title you better get ready cuz im gonna get you for sure this time aite ..wish me luck guys ,aina :)
October 13, 2011
Meet My Shiny New Fishy :)
Believe it or not ,i woke up that morning just longing for a plate of fried maggie at the mamak stall and ended up carrying a fish back to the college with me .My roomate yaya was out of town for 4 days so i got bored eventually and decides to go eat 'real fooood' (if you're a UITM student then you would totally get what i mean by real food ) .So yeahh ,there i was in Bandar SIDEC just walking towards the mamak stall and i saw a Pet Shop ryte beside the mamak stall see i have this thing for pets ,especially when im lonely .Im not that social of a person ,but then i never liked the feeling of lonesome just scares the shit out of me .So ,I when in and i saw this Argus which is sooo adorable but its hard to bring it in soo i decided to take something smaller .well if you're wondering ,argus is actually a guiney pig .Ryte so i bought the fish instead which is smaller ..and thats how i bought my shiny new fishy ..oh and i only paid for like RM9 for the fish, small and adorable tank ,the anti-chlorine and the fish food ..quite cheap eh ? Haha wow ,you guys must be really awesome or bored that you guys actually read my story of my fishy till here ,but bored or not i still thank you for reading it..have a good day :)
August 29, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Eid guys and girls :)
I have been A-wall for like years now...okay fine , months now ..but Tommorow is RAYA and i had just finish of putting on meat on the sticks and my hand is like yellow-ish now .sort of like an alien ,heee ...atleast it suits my style eh ? This year im oblige to celebrate 1st Eid day in Kuala Pilah ,which is my stepmum's hometown .There's a lot of feeling to it ..a lil bit awkward and a lot of weirdness .Thank god weird-ness is a part of me so i can take it all quite well .Heyy atleast this year i get to spend the first Eid day with my daddy ryte ?
My Raya outfit theme colour this year is....( drum roll please ) ...PURPLE ! heeeee ,its just a pretty simple purple Baju Kurung with small white polka dots prints on it .It took me only 15 minutes to find it but i love it to bits .However ,if you know me well ,every outfit i put on everyday have to have some thing like..WOAHH ryte ?Well this year it happens to be my charles and keith pair of shoes .It IS my new obsession .I'll totally let you guys see it later on when i have the time to upload the pictures in this very post itself .Well so far so good and like it or not i do miss arinah and my roommate though ,its weird not having them around ..SO HAPPY EID DAY ! loves :)
My Raya outfit theme colour this year is....( drum roll please ) ...PURPLE ! heeeee ,its just a pretty simple purple Baju Kurung with small white polka dots prints on it .It took me only 15 minutes to find it but i love it to bits .However ,if you know me well ,every outfit i put on everyday have to have some thing like..WOAHH ryte ?Well this year it happens to be my charles and keith pair of shoes .It IS my new obsession .I'll totally let you guys see it later on when i have the time to upload the pictures in this very post itself .Well so far so good and like it or not i do miss arinah and my roommate though ,its weird not having them around ..SO HAPPY EID DAY ! loves :)
July 29, 2011
Trust me ,it ain't that pretty .
Heyy , im still alive !haha .. i guess i manage to survive it here .Currently sitting on my orange bed ,exhausted from the crazy schedule today. Its about 1 something a.m. and again I CAN'T SLEEP .gaahhh .Life ? well this part of my life you may call it 'holding on' or 'complicated' .but then again my life has always been complicated eh ? I got my new lappy toppy ..but then it checked into the hospital ,attacked by that stupid shortcut virus -.- during the mid-term break .
Oh yeaa ,just came back from the holidays ..Despite the rushing, assignment, exhaustion, fever, and body aches was just ...awesome ..i mean like Woahh ..Its not really about the bed or the aircond that made it awesome .Its simply the fact that im able to be me as me .NO protocols ,rules ,tatatertib shit or what not ..just plain old ME .Its tiring to be constantly judge by these narrow minded negative people here .Most of the time here ,i became someone else ..always down ,moody ,and constantly struggling to find some sort of happiness around here ,something to hope a ray of sunlight in cold winter i guess .Tried to be happy , but here its almost impossible .but its okay as long as am not 6 feet under then its okay :)
Oh yeaa ,just came back from the holidays ..Despite the rushing, assignment, exhaustion, fever, and body aches was just ...awesome ..i mean like Woahh ..Its not really about the bed or the aircond that made it awesome .Its simply the fact that im able to be me as me .NO protocols ,rules ,tatatertib shit or what not ..just plain old ME .Its tiring to be constantly judge by these narrow minded negative people here .Most of the time here ,i became someone else ..always down ,moody ,and constantly struggling to find some sort of happiness around here ,something to hope a ray of sunlight in cold winter i guess .Tried to be happy , but here its almost impossible .but its okay as long as am not 6 feet under then its okay :)
June 14, 2011
University ,The high and lows .
I can't think of anyone to put the blame on appart from myself of being here today ..If I hadn't screwed up my spm ,it would have been different but I did .So its a spilled milk ..can't do anything anymore ryte .The worst nightmare that im worried about actually came true ,like this morning ,Sunglasses .. Well apparently these people don't wear sunglasses although the sun is like freaking bright like a big ass spotlight above your head .So when i wore it everyday I feel like an alien wearing my panties on top of my jeans ,people well ...they talk ..not just the first semester but even the student of the fifth semester talks about me .Sometimes I wonder if they had nothing else to think about ,like I don't know ,assignment or something ? Narrow minded and negative people are just so hard to be with .Sometimes I feel a little bit tired and disappointed with these people cuz they really just ,gaaahhh ..tried my best to tone EVERYTHING down ,even my english ,my wardrobe and now even my shades ? and they are seriously not making it any easy ..
Maybe my hopes were up too high for university standards in my head ,cuz in class , it is as if I was thrown back into a form 1 class back in highschool ..I simply had no choice nor options but to just do the work as it is .Sigh*
However ,despite the narrow minded and negative people that surrounds me here ,I am still very lucky to have met these awesome people ,also known as my ROOMATES .They are like my sisters here .So basically there's ,hasni ..She's from Taiping and taking pra-diploma for Business Management .She's really nice .Plus ,she has knowledge about medicine for sensitive skin and she is the lifeguard for my room cuz she is NOT scared of
any kind of moth and bugs ..Then ,there's Fiqa ,she's my senior ,third semester in fashion ..She doesn't talk that much ,she's really hardworking and creative but lately she speaks a little bit more often than she did 2 weeks ago ..Last but not least ,Yaya ..she's also my senior in third semester for fashion too ..She's kind and VERY helpful ..She thought me a lot about things ,do's and dont's and the people around here .She thought me the shortcuts around campus so that i don't have to walk an extra mile ..She thought me how to ride the bus to go out of this jail and well sadly ,to get back into this jail .She even thought me about the college and how to change a 50 cent shillings to obtain a fifty cent coint from a vending machine downstairs .Around here a fifty cent coin is very important cuz thats the only coin that the washing machine will accept ..yeaa i know ,stupid eh ? So yeaa ,basically without her i would've been bullied like a thousand times here and won't even think of going out of this place with a bus .Oh and she's a night owl too ..bonus there :) Well ,the one thing that we all have in common is ...we are all CRAZY people and we liked it .We even sing and dance when we're stressed out and just hang out downstairs with can drinks from the "mesin gedegang " a.k.a vending machine cuz its way cooler downstairs at night .They shared their experience and everything ..apparently we all come from a different types of life and backgrounds but we got along just fine cuz we respect each other .Am lucky in that way I guess .Its four in the morning and i miss everything back home ..and I have a class at 8am .So goodmorning :)

However ,despite the narrow minded and negative people that surrounds me here ,I am still very lucky to have met these awesome people ,also known as my ROOMATES .They are like my sisters here .So basically there's ,hasni ..She's from Taiping and taking pra-diploma for Business Management .She's really nice .Plus ,she has knowledge about medicine for sensitive skin and she is the lifeguard for my room cuz she is NOT scared of
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The effect of UITM . |
May 19, 2011
Yada yada yada ,I love you guys A LOT :)

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Captain Jack sparrow :) |
Okay well enough with the Jack Sparrow thing ..which bdw finally reach the local cinema today and i went to see the movie with my BESTFRIENDS ! It was amazing ,i've been waiting for Jack since last year and to get to watch it on the premier day itself with my besties are a definite bonus :) Haaaa ,I love you guys ! Im stoked to how everything turns out okay today ..(well except for the dead guy in the middle of the road that we pass by right next to before we got to ikea ) apart from that ,things we're Perfect .
So here's how the whole thing went down today ...Once upon a time..
haha ,,naaahhh ..Its better than fairy tales .We went to The curve to get tickets and it turns out the next Pirate movie with decent seats was at 3.15 pm ..the face of our watch states 12.30pm..-.-' huh ? but then again we were starving so we went and head out for ikea for an awesome lunch together .eat eat eat ,make a tupperware out of a orange juice paper box ,then we walked down to the counter to get my ikea blue bag then arinah went to the toilet ,then she got out of the toilet and says " Im hungry :) " Im like ,"what ? haha you serious ? " .So we head back up stairs to the cafeteria and just hang out to wait for the movie to start .
We watch the movie and it was supercalifragilisticexpialadocious ! after another round of toilets we realize its already 6pm and we're like " damn ,if we go out now ,we will definitely get stuck in the traffic ".So we stayed and walk and walk and after that ,more walking ..we shop some stuff and try our best to move our feet to make it back to the parking lot .we went through the rainy night as careful as we can ever be .and we made it back home safe and sound :)
Oh and my bestfriend Arinah Aishah gave me this sweet *bestfriend* necklace that no matter what ,i mean like no matter how far away we are from each other ,our hearts will still remain bestfriends ..I may not know the future but i do know that this is FOREVER ,insyaallah .I know i'll miss you a lot up there in perak .No worries we will still get to see each other during holidays and all eh ? hee ,till then ..Take care <3
May 15, 2011
Friends and families are the best gift in the world :)
Exactly 1 more week to university ,so my friends and i had a little gathering planned and we're pretty happy on how it all turned out .It was really Awesome like...woaahh ..A LOT !
> On the very merry 11th May 2011 ,here's what went down ..
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we meet up at 12 noon . |
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till they literally fall asleep ! |
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waiting for the other 3 stooges . |
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meet fatin ,the DR. -to-be ! |
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umm ,no comment . |
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Okay ,lets just say he's one of the crazy one :) |
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In the end ? Bowling ! |
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Realize the bowling alley in sunway is full ,we went to summit bowling alley instead . |
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meet zarifah ,my highschool classmate for 3yrs , apparently for the next 3 years too :) |
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This is Azie the Mastermind in all of this. |
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yeap,that's zaim .The Pilot -to-be . |
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Hobby . |
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These are my girlfriends ,the one standing is Awesome the 1st ,a.k.a Nawwal :) |
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After summit ,we head out for a 'quick' mamak drinks . |
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Really tired but its fun ! |
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speechless faces :D |
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Oh yeah ,and meet the awesome Zima :) |
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Just to get things straight ,NO ,they're NOT together :) |
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we had fun ! "lazy to turn the picture" ,hee :) |
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The bowling looks like a watermelon ! |
May 9, 2011
The sun shines but the heat burns = Malaysia .
To whomever that has been in Malaysia before ,the title sounds pretty familiar eh ?The sun literally burns my skin ,even my eyes ,especially today where the clouds drifted by the wind that flew it up all the way towards the north of the country and left us all alone with the sun . There's just sooo much stuff i have to settle before this 22nd and the weather nowadays is not being co-operative at all .My head is spinning and the accidental good knock on my forehead by my mums elbow is NOT making it any better .I still have medical check ups ,stuff to buy ,stuff to pack ,clothes to choose ,documents that is yet to be found ,bank account to activate ,travelling arrangements ,reading each and every info they gave me,monthly food allowance to apply ,places to be at ,friends to bid final goodbyes ,and ..keep my sanity intact .14 days to do it ..thank god I have my mum around to drive me around town for everything and to explain the whole offer letter and stuff to me cuz its all in PROPER malay which is somehow hard for me to get and my dad who actually surveyed the place 3 thousand miles from here and told me all the good stuff bout the place and got excited even more .Don't get me wrong though ..I am greatful for even getting the offer in he first place and above it all ,I'm greatfulI to be blessed with such loving and supporting awesome parents .I am EXCITED ,I mean I should be right ? everything is just going perfect for me now ..
Well everything is almost-perfect ,but it could have been absolutely perfect if I could share my excitement and fear with my dearest best friend .Usually stuff that is as thrilling and big like this I would have share it with her ..but unfortunately its not that simple in this case...there's this one tiny little problem ...she didn't get the offer .Neither of us were there for each other but i guess in this case she's a lot more depressed than me ..I wish I could see her before I go or atleast for 5 minutes .I ended up picking up the phone and dialed he number..but when I did get to hear her voice ,we both just ran out of words to say which is just sad ..I hate the silence on the phone just now ..I've never quite heard a silence that loud before..sort of like ...a stranger .We both know that we're suppose to be there for each other but I know she's too down to be happy for me and im just too caught up with everything that's happening waay to fast and got tide up with time that is just too limited for me now.She slipped off my mind for awhile and it was wrong for me to do so .I love her like my own sister and now she's falling apart ....and I don't know what to do or say to hold her together .All I could do now is to just pray for her to be able to pick up my phone call one day with a cheerful laughter and a big smile on her face like she does everytime .I don't know if you would read this ..but I want to thank you for everything ,teaching me stuff that I wasn't good at and I don't blame you for not wanting to see me cuz I know you hate goodbyes ,I don't have to wish you good luck because you don't need luck to stand back up because I know you're bright and strong enough to do so .Don't worry you won't be alone here .you still have your bestfriend megamind there whom I know will watch over you and keep you out of trouble.I know you'll be just as awesome as always .take care ,i heart you always .
May 8, 2011
And the next chapter begins ..
Un-bloodylievable !!haha ..i actually got it! this is a good chance for me and its clearly the next mountain that i need to move in my life to get one step closer to my dreams .I can see the path clearly and all i have to do now is just keep on climbing and just enjoy doing it ! Therefore i am leaving to start of this new challenge and adventure of mine this 22nd ! So wish me luck :) Its just supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !
Semakan Keputusan Permohonan Kemasukan ke IPTA Sesi Akademik 2011/2012
Program Pengajian Lepasan SPM/Setaraf
Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut :
UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM) ******************************************************************************************************** |
April 17, 2011
Fire-power !
I was actually just trying to wax it though . |
April 16, 2011
Chilling Out With My Bestie .
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Atleast i got the road right . |
We went home and blog shop for like 7 hours ..It turns out its not that easy to find a decent blog shop but heck we landed on this blog shop which is a goldmine .Pretty clothing ,Awesome price .Thats where I found the shoe I fell in love with ..Its sooooo pretty !!
April 7, 2011
The Climb
Just Another Interesting Morning eh ? |
Yeaa ,that is me of the fun part of being aina is get caught doing something like this and still considered normal for the people around me .The truth is ,this is my attempt to break in for the mails in the post box .This is my second house and yesterday morning we were late for work and we forgot the keys to the gate which is usually not locked but unfortunately it is locked yesterday morning .The keys was in my other house and we just don't have enough time to go back and get it .So i analyse the gate and the ledge and give my mum this 'light bulb' face and start climbing in and there you go ..the story of how I break into my own house to start the day yesterday morning :)
March 29, 2011
Turning Point .
They say for your life and people around you to change ,first you'll have to change yourself .Im pretty sure today is my turning point .Im tired of rebelling all the time ..its just too easy now to rebel and I realize now that i don't really get anything out of it .There is this wise man I know whom I call "daddy " said ,"Life is like a war ,you can never win them all .Sometimes you'd lose and learn the lesson the hard way .The hardest part in the war is to stand back up when you fall cuz if you don't ,you'll die ." .I know myself and I know I will always stand back up no matter how low and hard i fall .Apparently standing back up was never easy for me but I always have ..
I re-invent myself too many times before ,from geeky to goth to emo to wild ..I've tried so many styles ,attitude and personality to find where i belong .Up to the point where I end up having everything in me and there's nothing worst than looking in the mirror and you can't even answer this question "who is that person staring back at you ?" .I realize now that I end up feeling like a weirdo with too many personalities but then i realize that this weird personality of mine is actually the real me ..and being myself is the best personality that i can carry .When i finally accept myself ,and start to love it ..i feel so much lighter and without it i can fly higher .I love myself and my life now and I wouldn't want to be in anybody else's shoe .Peace .
I re-invent myself too many times before ,from geeky to goth to emo to wild ..I've tried so many styles ,attitude and personality to find where i belong .Up to the point where I end up having everything in me and there's nothing worst than looking in the mirror and you can't even answer this question "who is that person staring back at you ?" .I realize now that I end up feeling like a weirdo with too many personalities but then i realize that this weird personality of mine is actually the real me ..and being myself is the best personality that i can carry .When i finally accept myself ,and start to love it ..i feel so much lighter and without it i can fly higher .I love myself and my life now and I wouldn't want to be in anybody else's shoe .Peace .
March 27, 2011
i heart this song called mine by taylor swift because i can really relate to it i've raped the replay button countless times .
It is true that to fall in love while seeing all the love that fails ,crash and burn so many times in your rearview mirror is not an easy thing to do.Therefore ,I have the tendency to run from love sometimes because of that and it seems that everybody around me will end up saying goodbye like all the time .So naturally sometimes i tend to loose hope that it is something worth fighting for ,but I still have this hope somewhere in the back of my mind or like a blind faith that if you meet the right person for you ,then it is worth fighting for no matter how hard the wind blows to tear it apart.I still have this small childish hope to actually find this guy one fine day .,where the hell are you then ?! I know ,i know ..patience ..I hope the love that i'll find will be there till the end like this old couple over here .
Today i went back to visit my old babysitter whom i called mom .They are an old couple like this couple on the right and still live happily enjoying each others company .they bought a house somewhere a little bit more peaceful than the city but not too remote with quite a lot of extra land and dad made a beautiful garden on it while mom cooking or baking in their kitchen .They gave me a little more hope that not every relationship would crash and burn and that there's still such love that can last forever .
It is true that to fall in love while seeing all the love that fails ,crash and burn so many times in your rearview mirror is not an easy thing to do.Therefore ,I have the tendency to run from love sometimes because of that and it seems that everybody around me will end up saying goodbye like all the time .So naturally sometimes i tend to loose hope that it is something worth fighting for ,but I still have this hope somewhere in the back of my mind or like a blind faith that if you meet the right person for you ,then it is worth fighting for no matter how hard the wind blows to tear it apart.I still have this small childish hope to actually find this guy one fine day .,where the hell are you then ?! I know ,i know ..patience ..I hope the love that i'll find will be there till the end like this old couple over here .
Today i went back to visit my old babysitter whom i called mom .They are an old couple like this couple on the right and still live happily enjoying each others company .they bought a house somewhere a little bit more peaceful than the city but not too remote with quite a lot of extra land and dad made a beautiful garden on it while mom cooking or baking in their kitchen .They gave me a little more hope that not every relationship would crash and burn and that there's still such love that can last forever .
March 23, 2011
The 23rd march 2011 .
gahhh ,finally mann . |
heeeeee :) |
To top it off ,it turns out today is also the day where i finally got my legs to walk around a.k.a my driving license ! That itself made my day and got the chance to drive all the way to putrajaya to visit my mums bestie who had just gave birth to an adorable baby boy . So at the end of the day i just simply went to chillis to celebrate it with my mum and my annoying brother trying my best to let the fact that i already know my result sink in my brain .
Well whatever it is ,I know there is absolutely no regrets in my head nor my heart because i worked hard for the whole year for it .I mean for this 'smart' person who is clever enough to get 1% as her result for her physics march exam last year ,C+ is a definite A compared to the 1% ryte ? Plus i do believe that this is the best result for me and in time insyallah ,i will know why .but for now it shall stay as a secret kept by Allah Himself .Im proud of myself for not flunking my additional maths for the first time .Im happy with it as it is and thankful that i am blessed with parents that is very understanding and do believe in me and paid for my education like highschool fees ,tuition and stuff .I appreciate that A lot because without the tuition especially i could have gotten an F instead .So thank you .
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