June 14, 2011

University ,The high and lows .

I can't think of anyone to put the blame on appart  from myself of being here today ..If I hadn't screwed up my spm ,it would have been different but I did .So its a spilled milk ..can't do anything anymore ryte .The worst nightmare that im worried about actually came true ,like this morning  ,Sunglasses .. Well apparently these people don't wear sunglasses although the sun is like freaking bright like a big ass spotlight above your head .So when i wore it everyday I feel like an alien wearing my panties on top of my jeans ,people well ...they talk ..not just the first semester but even the student of the fifth semester talks about me .Sometimes I wonder if they had nothing else to think about ,like I don't know ,assignment or something ? Narrow minded and negative people are just so hard to be with .Sometimes I feel a little bit tired and disappointed with these people cuz they really just ,gaaahhh ..tried my best to tone EVERYTHING down ,even my english ,my wardrobe and now even my shades ? and they are seriously not making it any easy ..

Maybe my hopes were up too high for university standards in my head ,cuz in class , it is as if I was thrown back into a form 1 class back in highschool ..I simply had no choice nor options but to just do the work as it is .Sigh*

However ,despite the narrow minded and negative people that surrounds me here ,I am still very lucky to have met these awesome people ,also known as my ROOMATES .They are like my sisters here .So basically there's ,hasni ..She's from Taiping and taking pra-diploma for Business Management .She's really nice .Plus ,she has knowledge about medicine for sensitive skin and she is the lifeguard for my room cuz she is NOT scared of 
The effect of UITM  .
any kind of moth and bugs ..Then ,there's  Fiqa ,she's my senior ,third semester in fashion ..She doesn't talk that much ,she's really hardworking and creative but lately she speaks a little bit more often than she did 2 weeks ago ..Last but not least ,Yaya ..she's also my senior in third semester for fashion too ..She's kind and VERY helpful ..She thought me a lot about things ,do's and dont's and the people around here .She thought me the shortcuts around campus so that i don't have to walk an extra mile ..She thought me how to ride the bus to go out of this jail and well sadly ,to get back into this jail .She even thought me about the college and how to change a 50 cent shillings to obtain a fifty cent coint from a vending machine downstairs .Around here a  fifty cent coin is very important cuz thats the only coin that the washing machine will accept ..yeaa i know ,stupid eh ? So yeaa ,basically without her i would've been bullied like a thousand times here and won't even think of going out of this place with a bus .Oh and she's a night owl too ..bonus there :) Well ,the one thing that we all have in common is ...we are all CRAZY people and we liked  it .We even sing and dance when we're stressed out and just hang out downstairs with can drinks from the "mesin gedegang " a.k.a vending machine cuz its way cooler downstairs at night .They shared their experience and everything ..apparently we all come from a different types of life and backgrounds but we got along just fine cuz we respect each other .Am lucky in that way I guess .Its four in the morning and i miss everything back home ..and I have a class at 8am .So goodmorning :)

The Dramaticness of My Ordinary Life !

The Dramaticness of My Ordinary Life !
so .. welcome ,hee :)