meet my Baby Zorro <3 |
My Daddy <33 |
Well I feel like typing, so I've no idea what to tell you about so i'll just tell you how my day went.. I woke up this morning jumping off the bed cuz i realize that I'm late for work ..so then i drove all the way to bangsar, KL and then had some breakfast with my mum at the Paparich then went to the bank..then I went all the way back to my mum's house for like 30 minutes then I went back out to the workshop to fix the car..Oh and fyi ,the sun is like a friggin huge giant spotlight on top of my head today..and for those who knew me would laugh cuz they know how much i hate being out in the sun..yeahh ,im kinda like a vampire in that way..I can't even stand to see anything that's too bright..its just painful..Okayy ,then I went back home, feed my baby his meds (zorro ze cat) " love this cat sooo much !" and yeaahh ..at like 4 I send my dad to the airport cuz his time is up and needs to go back to pakistan where he currently works at..I really hope they won't extend him after this contract ended next 7 months..yeahh ..then I just went home and drove to pick up my mum for my final dinner cuz im not gonna have dinner again after this ,need to shed few kgs off ,and I only got like ,ummm...lets see..yadayadayada like 23 days left in hand before i go back to that friggin jail in Perak..well for those who doesn't know where Perak is ..then i'll tell you that its a place ,placed in the middle of no where..surrounded by the forrest and the biggest supermarket there would be Tesco..hmm..interesting place eh ? -.-

*I actually miss someone here ..and sometimes I wonder if that person misses me too :( ..I wanna believe that she does somehow.. I miss you =.=