then i'll just have to write it down here then .

I love music ,food ,friends , and myself :) .Im definitely not some rich spoiled kid with lots of money ,i live a normal ,middle standard life here with my mum ,my stepdad and my two annoying brothers .My daddy is currently working somewhere at pakistan ,then i get to spend very limited time with him .I have my bestfriend arinah ,but i still feel lonely sometimes cuz she's practically jailed up by her parents and with nooo cell phone .I mean ..c'mon how the hell am i supposed to text her then ? and plus we can't really hang out and stuff ..well not yet ..I cant wait for next year !!we're soo gonna be free from all this .
School ?well more like an asylum ! hmm ..lets see ,theres this teacher called teo who literally runs the school like she owns it and have a huge mission to get our lives miserable EVERYDAY in her "'Pelllease' station" called BBI .Oh ! and she also carries around her binoculars to checkup on us .OH yes she is freaky to me too .the school is like a jail for us ,with teo as the warden ,the cctv's ,the wired fence ,oh and the latest ..the red forbidden line .i sooo cant wait to get the hell out off this this school .I feel like a real life robot and the prefects are teo's minions ,except for you nadd :)
My love life ? well im pretty sure you've listened to the song heartbreaker ..that song totally summarize my love life .
hmm , so i guess thats the whole 'fairytale ' bed time story called aina ..goodnight !
Love ya ,PEACE !
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