You know ,throughout last year we kept on talking bout how the school will end soon end we can finally spend some quality time together now and then ?! Well today it hits me thoroughly hard on my face .Turns out its just some bull shit . Its been days since i talk to my bestie arinah ,miss her a lot but the things that kept me busy this few days kept me booked the whole time .Just about 5 minutes ago ,i finally had time for myself and realize how much i miss her ,and i felt ..lonely..So heck ,i got up and search for my phone and dial up her number .I tried 3 times but it all ended up with 'line busy' .So i waited like 2 minutes and tried my luck for the 4th time and got through hoping to hear her normal happy enthusiastic voice that helped me a lot everyday last year .Instead the only words came out from her mouth was "Aina can you call me back ? like ..maybe tommorow ? " .I was both disappointed and curious at the same time .I was disappointed because i was hoping she of all people could make this loneliness disappear ,instead it made it bigger? worst? harder? ..Well ..never the less im curious because it sort of seem like she was crying that tone i can sort of figure out like it was about bean or her parents .I can't blame her though ,it's not her fault and i hope shes alright .knowing her ,its best to give her some space now ..Its just not my day eh ?
We all are now so busy with our jobs ,and im still getting use to see my friends in my daily life as my waiter in restaurants ,as a promoter in Boutiques like Forever 21 ,F.O.S and shoe stores ,worker in a nurse pharmacy ,at Starbucks and even as the hired help for 99 speed mart .Its weird but.. yeaahh ..weird .
Don't worry mann ,I ain't crazy , my reality is just different then yours :)
January 24, 2011
January 23, 2011
The Change I Guess ?
So obviously ,i mean maybe not everyone but for me ,im use to change myself whenever im bored with myself .Does that make sense at all ? haha .So now im bored and tired of myself .So here is what im gonna change :- weight ,i shall be 50 kg in no time :) style ,i shall wear more bright colours . attitude ,i shall be much more caring towards others . attitude to myself ,i shall be more active in everything i do . room ,i shall finish off the current renovation . life ,so i shall cry less ,smile more ,angry less ,laugh more ,yelling less and love more . skills ,i shall practice more on my piano chords and futsal training . talent ,i shall add more to it like cooking and dancing my heart out :)
9.gahh,this is damn hard to get to 10,Nvm,so 9 is prayers ,i shall pray 5 times a day everyday.
10.Aaahhh finally 10 would financial status ,i shall work my ass off and build fortune :)
"money will always come to the person who loves to spend .. " by SIR ADLI .
This shall be officially enforced right after the completion of my current room construction ,thank you . weight ,i shall be 50 kg in no time :) style ,i shall wear more bright colours . attitude ,i shall be much more caring towards others . attitude to myself ,i shall be more active in everything i do . room ,i shall finish off the current renovation . life ,so i shall cry less ,smile more ,angry less ,laugh more ,yelling less and love more . skills ,i shall practice more on my piano chords and futsal training . talent ,i shall add more to it like cooking and dancing my heart out :)
9.gahh,this is damn hard to get to 10,Nvm,so 9 is prayers ,i shall pray 5 times a day everyday.
10.Aaahhh finally 10 would financial status ,i shall work my ass off and build fortune :)
"money will always come to the person who loves to spend .. " by SIR ADLI .
This shall be officially enforced right after the completion of my current room construction ,thank you .
January 15, 2011
OMG ! I am officially ,Thoroughly Annoyed By This 'April Event ' !
This is really really annoying and sad ,i mean dude its not like he is a god or something that you guys have to like 'sacrifice ' and worship him like some royal highness here .your time ,money ,and energy ? its not like you can get to marry him or anything ,all you can get is the sweat ,the heat of some other dude beside you there and he'll get everything ,pfffttt ,i really pity u guys la !
Oh and the 'sacrifice' i was talking about earlier ? watch this then ..this all happen this is what u guys did this morning , ,RM98 -RM1000++
2.your energy .
3.your time .
" i wonder if there's even any activity going on in that brain of yours ?"
Oh and the 'sacrifice' i was talking about earlier ? watch this then ..this all happen this is what u guys did this morning , ,RM98 -RM1000++
2.your energy .
3.your time .
" i wonder if there's even any activity going on in that brain of yours ?"
The Daily Mall Therapy :)
the sales were AWESOME :) .Well apart from the wedding thingi ( gahh ,i hate weddings ) ,today was a fairy tale ,we went to the Pyramid and there's like tons of amazing sales there ! we spend thoroughly there :)
We literally shop till we drop .well except for my mum ,she rode this scooter thing all around .I don't feel bad though cuz my brother's 300 bucks shoes is easing my guilt under this satisfied smiling face of mine ..My brother bought me this 1 nice layered pendant necklace ,2 adorable black sequined ribbon shaped hair clip and a comfy fury leopard print house shok (its a combination of shoe and socks ) for my birthday ! it was AMAZING and to top it off , we had our dinner at chilli's in Empire ! voila ,it was magic magic magic :)
We literally shop till we drop .well except for my mum ,she rode this scooter thing all around .I don't feel bad though cuz my brother's 300 bucks shoes is easing my guilt under this satisfied smiling face of mine ..My brother bought me this 1 nice layered pendant necklace ,2 adorable black sequined ribbon shaped hair clip and a comfy fury leopard print house shok (its a combination of shoe and socks ) for my birthday ! it was AMAZING and to top it off , we had our dinner at chilli's in Empire ! voila ,it was magic magic magic :)
January 14, 2011
Dear Heart ,
Im sorry you are heavily guarded and feels lonely ,you never let anyone in including myself ,thus it is hard for me to figure you out myself .I would love to know you better cuz you often interrupt my sanity ,however ,on second thought maybe its best for you to just stay that way due to this planet of ours that is full of stuff that may hurt you in too many ways .I guess its better for you to be feeling lonely rather than torn apart huh ? heyy ,im starting to understand you already i just starting to lose my mind slowly here ? bahh ,who cares eh ? Anyways ,stay guarded and i shall keep an eye for you out here .
Love ,
Your Brain .
Love ,
Your Brain .
A day out ,just what i needed :)
So credits to my bestie arinah aishah and bean for an awesome day out was fun .Atleast it made me feel better sort of lift things up a little bit ..but still ,screw that stupid undang test ! oh haven't you heard ? i failed that bloody thing by 1 point and now i have to retake it .translation :another 4 hours tops of time wasted waiting for turns and 17 minutes of answering that 50 stupid question ...again *sigh* .life is good eh ?
January 3, 2011
third scene daily drama's .
My bestfriend arinah called me today ,it appears that she got into a fight with nad and aesya ..again .You know ,the funny thing was i actually thought they would all get along just fine. Its just ,for once i would like to have a peaceful group of friends .Is that too much to ask ? but i know one thing for sure ,a cold war ( yes ,i got that from my senior year's history text book ) between us felt worst than the world wars ..i mean like face to face .and it sucks having to be switzerland here ..ughh..
This is sort of one of the reason i've been lost ,away ,hanging ,carefree ,isolate my self ,shut down ..well wtv words that they can describe this feeling , i dont care ..but to me it certainly feels like im 'dead' .If you've seen twilight ,you know how easily Jacob Black got pissed off over some things ,even the small things and it had to be controlled ? that is what i felt this past few weeks ..I get angry easily and sometimes when i cant stand it ,i lose myself .when i lose myself ,even i can't stop it .The reason i got away from ppl around me ..i dont want to hurt anybody ..i just needed some time to gather up my strength and slowly ,im pulling it myself together again this point of time ..the proses should be like 90% done i guess .Most part of me are back now .I dont go around pissin' other people's life off anymore .so yea ..
My dad is coming home tommorw but its funny how i feel normal ,usually i'd be jumping up and down but now ..I guess its already like a daily basic affair already for me ..after almost a year going through it ,i think i finally wrap my head around it .
oh ,i think in my 'dead ' experience at home with my brother which has twilight fever for now ,im OBSESSED with Jacob Black now so into the wolf thing ..phhhffft ,its stupid and crazy ,i know but ,heyy this is aina im talking about here ,craziness is just the best part of being me .heyy ,atleast im happy eh ? well say anything you want mann ,but Taylor's body ,eyes,and smile is just too hard to deny ..its just pure hotness ..very very tempting .
This is sort of one of the reason i've been lost ,away ,hanging ,carefree ,isolate my self ,shut down ..well wtv words that they can describe this feeling , i dont care ..but to me it certainly feels like im 'dead' .If you've seen twilight ,you know how easily Jacob Black got pissed off over some things ,even the small things and it had to be controlled ? that is what i felt this past few weeks ..I get angry easily and sometimes when i cant stand it ,i lose myself .when i lose myself ,even i can't stop it .The reason i got away from ppl around me ..i dont want to hurt anybody ..i just needed some time to gather up my strength and slowly ,im pulling it myself together again this point of time ..the proses should be like 90% done i guess .Most part of me are back now .I dont go around pissin' other people's life off anymore .so yea ..
My dad is coming home tommorw but its funny how i feel normal ,usually i'd be jumping up and down but now ..I guess its already like a daily basic affair already for me ..after almost a year going through it ,i think i finally wrap my head around it .

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The Dramaticness of My Ordinary Life !
so .. welcome ,hee :)