This is sort of one of the reason i've been lost ,away ,hanging ,carefree ,isolate my self ,shut down ..well wtv words that they can describe this feeling , i dont care ..but to me it certainly feels like im 'dead' .If you've seen twilight ,you know how easily Jacob Black got pissed off over some things ,even the small things and it had to be controlled ? that is what i felt this past few weeks ..I get angry easily and sometimes when i cant stand it ,i lose myself .when i lose myself ,even i can't stop it .The reason i got away from ppl around me ..i dont want to hurt anybody ..i just needed some time to gather up my strength and slowly ,im pulling it myself together again this point of time ..the proses should be like 90% done i guess .Most part of me are back now .I dont go around pissin' other people's life off anymore .so yea ..
My dad is coming home tommorw but its funny how i feel normal ,usually i'd be jumping up and down but now ..I guess its already like a daily basic affair already for me ..after almost a year going through it ,i think i finally wrap my head around it .

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