True enough the first year was hell ,but in that hell of a class i met Zhi Yi ,my first angel that got me through the junior year .She was nice and i'll never forget her cuz she's the one girl that actually made me read a story book ,suprisingly if you know me ..borrowing a book or even entering a library ( not just for the air conditioner ) is highly unlikely to ever happen but this girl made me borrowed all of the Barronets book series from the library through out the whole year .Thank you so much for that :)
Then the second year came along ,i found another group of friends that i thought i belong with ..Being in this group i felt happy ,we were the noisiest group in school ..we we're called by so many names and so many drama's happened through that year ..I tried new things ..some are great ,but some not really proud off ,like one of it was i got addicted to panadol drank with coke ( it feels amazing and happy ) but i know its not good for my body ,so i took the initiative to quit .It wasn't easy though .I guess my second year in highschool can also be called as the sin year since I have a maximum demerits record in BBI like i did every year ,except this year my friends and i ran into some trouble and got ourselves a nice 5 hours of detention .The best part was ,the detention itself has never even exist in the school system in the first place and some how we manage to score it .what a nice life eh ? but even so ,I learned a lot from that year ,my grades was starting to go down and i started to hang out a lot with the wrong group of people ..I learned frienships ,lies ,backstabbings ,and enemy's that is just ridiculous ..but in the end i realize that i don't really fit in with these "awesome group of ppl " cuz through other people's eyes ,we were one big great awesome BFF's that can never be torn appart .Little did they know that behind these so called friendships ,there's a lot of backstabbings ,hypocracies and lies ..I end up realizing that i don't really wanna be in that kind of friendships ..i also learned that ppl do change..a lot in this year .
The third year came with this semi-big exam called PMR ,it is also the year that i promise my mom that i would wear a hijjab ,I wouldn't lie ,but it was so hard ..Wherever i walk ,ppl seems to look at me like im some kind of an alien .That explains cuz this girl who wasn't really even close to a 'nice' girl suddenly came out with hijjab that made me look like a total 180 degree changed ..its like the OPPOSITE of me .They somehow tend to talk to me in a different way ,a nice way but different than they usually talk to me .like really careful in choosing their words .The group finally tore apart in the middle of the year ..some of us still try to keep holding on ,but we were to busy with the exam and we just grown apart ..Since then ,everything was always serious .I dont know what to do ,but i decided im better off alone ,dont get me wrong ,i befriended everyone but i was still alone knowing i belong to myself .This third year in highschool can be called The 'nice lonely girl' year .I started to go to this sunday islamic classes which i was dragged by my mom at first ..I started to pray again and try to be good know ,be kind to everybody and be more caring and sensitive towards others which wasn't really my forte' at the time .Up till now i still try to regain that part of me though .Slowly i started to be close to Allah and i felt like i almost belong in that group of ppl which also include my dear current bestfriend Nadirah Karim .I went that year to the camp organized by the society in that sunday class and unfortunately came back with this feeling of not fitting in that group either see ,a few years back i was this girl who was really into all this and never gave up to Allah .but certain things happened throughout the years that i finally gave it up for almost 4 years .I was lost ,and now im trying really hard to come back ..but in that camp ,the sisters and brothers ( the facilitators of the camp ) practically lived their lives in this kind of environment and im in sort of a completely different environment .I mean ,dont get me wrong ,they were nice ,but i dont
Now comes the 4th year ,i became nuts again ,my grades were down the drain and i made new friends in the class . oh ! and plus this year Nadirah became one of the prefects which a sort of a suprising thing for us .anyways..among all of the classes i've been placed into , 4 explorer was the best and now i am proud to call myself one of the explorians .So many memories ,ups and downs that we went through and it is priceless .We somehow complete each other with our various kinds of personalities ..the crazy ones ,the geeky ones ,the nice ones ,the money keeper ..and also the bitchy ones too ..when you add it all up ,we became a family .i'll never forget this 2 years awesome class for sure ..we were loved most by the teachers and yet we were also labelled as the most noisiest and we irritated most of the teachers ..but to them we were labelled as the AWESOME ones too ..Time pass by so swiftly this year that with just a few blinks ,it ended scares us all half to death because the next year is our biggest exam that determine our lives after high school sucks because we are all NOT , i repeat ..NOT ready at all .
My senior year ,is also called an SPM year ..translation : time to be a nerd and date the books . which a.k.a ,it sucks ..but this senior year is totally different than what our former ex seniors went through ,the school magically lightened up the rules (yeah ,thats just great ,is it too much to ask to start lightening it up 4 years ago ? ) .Well ,i guess we're proven to be awesome-ER than our former seniors than .We had so much fun ,and i became bestfriends with Arinah Aishah ,we went through a lot together ..oh and there's also Zarifah ,she's nice and fun to be with ..she's the very opposite of me in a way ..but in a better way though :)
haa ,i love you guys ..I don't go out much this year cuz i have to study for this bitch called SPM made my year one of the most stressful year in my life .its all i can think off ,even when im asleep ..suprisingly ,now that evrything is over ,i kinda miss that bitch ..AGRRHH ..its such a royal pain in my ass .My dad landed on this opportunity to work at Pakistan .. I know right ? of all the places in the world huh ? This guy got guts ,i can give him that ..
Well now i guess i decided to right all this like two days before this year ends just to be able to put a mile-marker rigth here in this bend of the road before it fades away as i move on with my life .I guess its true what they say ..Its easy to move on ,but the it's the things we leave behind that is hard .To those who had made an impact in my life and contributes in these awesome memories throughout these years of my highschool life ..thank you so much ,i love you and i'll never forget you guys :)

Then the second year came along ,i found another group of friends that i thought i belong with ..Being in this group i felt happy ,we were the noisiest group in school ..we we're called by so many names and so many drama's happened through that year ..I tried new things ..some are great ,but some not really proud off ,like one of it was i got addicted to panadol drank with coke ( it feels amazing and happy ) but i know its not good for my body ,so i took the initiative to quit .It wasn't easy though .I guess my second year in highschool can also be called as the sin year since I have a maximum demerits record in BBI like i did every year ,except this year my friends and i ran into some trouble and got ourselves a nice 5 hours of detention .The best part was ,the detention itself has never even exist in the school system in the first place and some how we manage to score it .what a nice life eh ? but even so ,I learned a lot from that year ,my grades was starting to go down and i started to hang out a lot with the wrong group of people ..I learned frienships ,lies ,backstabbings ,and enemy's that is just ridiculous ..but in the end i realize that i don't really fit in with these "awesome group of ppl " cuz through other people's eyes ,we were one big great awesome BFF's that can never be torn appart .Little did they know that behind these so called friendships ,there's a lot of backstabbings ,hypocracies and lies ..I end up realizing that i don't really wanna be in that kind of friendships ..i also learned that ppl do change..a lot in this year .
The third year came with this semi-big exam called PMR ,it is also the year that i promise my mom that i would wear a hijjab ,I wouldn't lie ,but it was so hard ..Wherever i walk ,ppl seems to look at me like im some kind of an alien .That explains cuz this girl who wasn't really even close to a 'nice' girl suddenly came out with hijjab that made me look like a total 180 degree changed ..its like the OPPOSITE of me .They somehow tend to talk to me in a different way ,a nice way but different than they usually talk to me .like really careful in choosing their words .The group finally tore apart in the middle of the year ..some of us still try to keep holding on ,but we were to busy with the exam and we just grown apart ..Since then ,everything was always serious .I dont know what to do ,but i decided im better off alone ,dont get me wrong ,i befriended everyone but i was still alone knowing i belong to myself .This third year in highschool can be called The 'nice lonely girl' year .I started to go to this sunday islamic classes which i was dragged by my mom at first ..I started to pray again and try to be good know ,be kind to everybody and be more caring and sensitive towards others which wasn't really my forte' at the time .Up till now i still try to regain that part of me though .Slowly i started to be close to Allah and i felt like i almost belong in that group of ppl which also include my dear current bestfriend Nadirah Karim .I went that year to the camp organized by the society in that sunday class and unfortunately came back with this feeling of not fitting in that group either see ,a few years back i was this girl who was really into all this and never gave up to Allah .but certain things happened throughout the years that i finally gave it up for almost 4 years .I was lost ,and now im trying really hard to come back ..but in that camp ,the sisters and brothers ( the facilitators of the camp ) practically lived their lives in this kind of environment and im in sort of a completely different environment .I mean ,dont get me wrong ,they were nice ,but i dont
Now comes the 4th year ,i became nuts again ,my grades were down the drain and i made new friends in the class . oh ! and plus this year Nadirah became one of the prefects which a sort of a suprising thing for us .anyways..among all of the classes i've been placed into , 4 explorer was the best and now i am proud to call myself one of the explorians .So many memories ,ups and downs that we went through and it is priceless .We somehow complete each other with our various kinds of personalities ..the crazy ones ,the geeky ones ,the nice ones ,the money keeper ..and also the bitchy ones too ..when you add it all up ,we became a family .i'll never forget this 2 years awesome class for sure ..we were loved most by the teachers and yet we were also labelled as the most noisiest and we irritated most of the teachers ..but to them we were labelled as the AWESOME ones too ..Time pass by so swiftly this year that with just a few blinks ,it ended scares us all half to death because the next year is our biggest exam that determine our lives after high school sucks because we are all NOT , i repeat ..NOT ready at all .
My senior year ,is also called an SPM year ..translation : time to be a nerd and date the books . which a.k.a ,it sucks ..but this senior year is totally different than what our former ex seniors went through ,the school magically lightened up the rules (yeah ,thats just great ,is it too much to ask to start lightening it up 4 years ago ? ) .Well ,i guess we're proven to be awesome-ER than our former seniors than .We had so much fun ,and i became bestfriends with Arinah Aishah ,we went through a lot together ..oh and there's also Zarifah ,she's nice and fun to be with ..she's the very opposite of me in a way ..but in a better way though :)
haa ,i love you guys ..I don't go out much this year cuz i have to study for this bitch called SPM made my year one of the most stressful year in my life .its all i can think off ,even when im asleep ..suprisingly ,now that evrything is over ,i kinda miss that bitch ..AGRRHH ..its such a royal pain in my ass .My dad landed on this opportunity to work at Pakistan .. I know right ? of all the places in the world huh ? This guy got guts ,i can give him that ..
Well now i guess i decided to right all this like two days before this year ends just to be able to put a mile-marker rigth here in this bend of the road before it fades away as i move on with my life .I guess its true what they say ..Its easy to move on ,but the it's the things we leave behind that is hard .To those who had made an impact in my life and contributes in these awesome memories throughout these years of my highschool life ..thank you so much ,i love you and i'll never forget you guys :)

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